
Reemoon Apple Sorting Solution
  • Reduces crashing by water tank-in feeding.
  • Sorts and grades qualified fruit by external color.
  • Identifies and sorts fruit with brown heart, ensuring stable quality.
Product details

Reemoon apple sorting solution, Sorts and grades apples by size, weight, blemish, brix acidity and brown heart disease. (Some apple varieties are easily bruised in the sorting process. Therefore, Reemoon has specially developed apple sorting equipment to prevent bumping and bruises. Reemoon“Hefu” sorting equipment protects the apple from crashing.

In-feeding System

Water tank feeding
The water in the tank moves from left to right through the water pump to form a water cycle. Apples float along with the direction of water flow, which can prevent the fruits from crashing with each other and clean the apple skin as well.

Single line arrangement
Each apple is placed in an individual fruit cup to be weighed, photographed and scanned, ensuring no contact with other fruit.

Washing line

Drying system
Fans dry the apples with a hot air cycle.

Selective sorting

Vision system
The system comes with high-definition cameras, a visual light source and control system. Customers may choose their specific sorting parameters such as color, shape, size and defect.

Weighing system
A four point contact double sensor device determines the weight of the apple, which is stable over temperature variations. Apples can be sorted according to individual apple weight or aggregated into cartons by weight.

Internal quality sorting

Internal quality scanner
Brix, acidity and black heart disease are detected and graded using Reemoon’s independently developed professional spectrometer technology. Apples with blackheart are rejected.

Tailor-made packaging

Manual packing table
The driving belt transports the fruit to its corresponding position. An entry brush provides a buffer between fruit to reduce crashing.

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